Enroll for School
District 189 School Enrollment / Registration Application
Now enrolling new students at the Family and Community Engagement Center:
2024-2025 New Student Registration Application
Once you have collected all of the documents listed below, please call the number below or email the person who is responsible for your child(s) grade level to complete the enrollment process.
A RECORDS REQUEST FORM must be complete for students that are transferring from another district.
Rhonda Jones - Grades K-8th - 618-646-3130 - 401 Katherine Dunham rhonda.jones@estl189.com
Applications are available Monday- Friday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Vickie Fair - Grades 9th-12th - 618-646-3444 - 4901 State Street vickie.fair@estl189.com
Note: Kindergartners should be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025 to begin Kindergarten in District 189.
Kindergarten students who are not registered by August 1 may have a delay in bus transportation, so register early!
The following items are REQUIRED to complete enrollment in School District 189:
______Valid Driver’s License or Valid State ID
Proof of Residency - ONLY two of these are required with your name on it:
______Ameren Illinois - MUST BE CURRENT
______Illinois American Water - MUST BE CURRENT
______Occupancy Permit
______Mortgage Statement
______Property Deed
Medical Information:
______ Current or most recent physical with immunization record(s)
______ Dental Exam (Appointment cards or letters will be accepted. NO verbal appointments).
______ Eye Exam * (Appointment cards will be accepted. NO verbal appointments). *The eye exam must be done by an eye doctor and not a medical doctor.
ALL of the above exams MUST be on the State of Illinois REQUIRED FORMS and not any other state forms. This includes students transferring into the District from any other state. NO EXCEPTIONS. WE HAVE THE FORMS IN THE OFFICE.
______ If a student has an IEP, the parent will have to complete a SPED Transfer Form that is included with this application. Student(s) 12 and older must sign the SPED form too.
Additional Notes:
If you are living with someone who is a resident in School District 189, they will need to come in with you to register your child.
If you have custody of the student and are a resident of School District 189, you must bring proof of guardianship.
If you are renting in the School District 189 area and do not have a lease, a) your landlord must come with you to verify your lease agreement and b) the landlord will need to bring proof of ownership of the property.
If your child does not have a number, please contact the Social Security Office at 1-800-772-1213. Under federal law, however, East St. Louis School District 189 will enroll your child even if he or she does not have a Social Security number.
Return to Learn Plan
Please review the District’s Return to Learn Plan available in English and Spanish. It is also available for review on the school district’s website.
School Year 2022-2023 Return to Learn Plan
District's Return to Learn Plan-Spanish
Immunization Records
East St. Louis School District 189 follows the mandates of the Illinois Department of Public Health with regards to required immunizations for our students.
Students entering preschool, kindergarten, sixth, and ninth grades, and new students to the district must present proof of the required state of Illinois physical examination and immunizations. All students are expected to be in medical compliance prior to beginning school.
The Centers for Disease Control and the Illinois Department of Public Health encourage all individuals ages 12+ to become vaccinated against COVID-19. Please read this letter from the Illinois State Board of Education that provides clarity about the COVID-19 vaccine for parents. ISBE Letter to Parents
Uniform Information
School uniforms for students in preschool through grade 8 are as follows: · Navy blue, khaki or black: Slacks, skirts, jumpers or shorts · White, black, navy blue or powder blue: Shirts/blouses · Closed-toe shoes with backing (any color) High school students are NOT required to wear a school uniform, but they must adhere to the Dress Code, which can be reviewed in section 6.20 of the Student Handbook, here: SY 25 Student Handbook
School Supply Lists
Only CLEAR BACKPACKS are allowed at all School District 189 campuses. Alternatively, students may use binders. Clear backpacks are available for purchase from a number of retailers, including Personal Touch Boutique in East St. Louis, Walmart, Target, Amazon, and others.
Please see the School Supply Lists:
SY 2024-2025 School Supply Lists
School Calendar
Please review the School Year 2024-2025 Calendar for key information about when school is in session or on break. Every Wednesday is an early release by one hour.
Bell Schedule
VIVIAN ADAMS EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER (Pre-K): School Starts: 9:00 am Dismissal: 3:30 pm
Early Dismissal (every Wednesday): 2:30 pm
AVANT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (K-5): School Starts: 8:30 am Dismissal: 3:30 pm
Early Dismissal (every Wednesday): 2:30 pm
DUNBAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (K-4): School Starts: 8:30 am Dismissal: 3:30 pm
Early Dismissal (every Wednesday): 2:30 pm
OFFICER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (K-4): School Starts: 8:30 am Dismissal: 3:30 pm
Early Dismissal (every Wednesday): 2:30 pm
WRIGHT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (PreK-4): School Starts: 8:30 am Dismissal: 3:30 pm
Early Dismissal (every Wednesday): 2:30 pm
YOUNGE SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE (K-7): School Starts: 8:00 am Dismissal: 3:00 pm
Early Dismissal (every Wednesday): 2:00 pm
BUSH ALTERNATIVE LEARNING CENTER (Middle School): School Starts: 8:30 am Dismissal 2:30 pm
Early Dismissal (every Wednesday): 1:30 pm
BUSH ALTERNATIVE LEARNING CENTER (High School): School Starts: 8:00 am Dismissal 3:00 pm
Early Dismissal (every Wednesday): 2:00 pm
LINCOLN MIDDLE SCHOOL (Grades 5-8): School Starts: 8:00 am Dismissal 3:00 pm
Early Dismissal (every Wednesday): 2:00 pm
MASON/CLARK MIDDLE SCHOOL (Grades 5-8): School Starts: 8:00 am Dismissal 3:00 pm
Early Dismissal (every Wednesday): 2:00 pm
EAST ST. LOUIS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 9-12): School Starts: 7:30 am Dismissal: 2:30 pm
Early Dismissal (every Wednesday): 1:30 pm
New Student Registration
New students in grades 9-12 can enroll at East St. Louis Senior High School after July 6. Please complete the SY 25 High School Enrollment Form found Here. To complete the enrollment process for new students in grades 9-12th, please contact vickie.fair@estl189.com or call 618-646-3700 for more information.
New incoming K-8 students can enroll by appointment at the Family and Community Engagement Center (401 Katherine Dunham Place). For more information, please contact rhonda.jones@estl189.com or call 618-646-3130.
Preschool students can enroll at Vivian Adams Early Childhood Center. For more information, please call 618-646-3930.
If your child is currently enrolled in School District 189, you do not have to re-register but you must provide updated contact and emergency information and updated immunization records. This can be completed during the summer at the Family and Community Engagement Center (401 Katherine Dunham Place) or at your student's school orientation in August. Updated information must be collected by Monday, August 12th, the first day of school in 2025.
Registration for RETURNING students can be completed online: https://bit.ly/2ZY4s8U. Detailed steps can be found here. Due to transportation changes, COVID concerns, and immunization requirements, we ask parents to UPDATE their student's records through the online Skyward portal listed on the link above. If you do not remember your Skyward login information, please contact your school office for assistance.
If you have questions regarding returning student registration, please contact your child's school. For details, refer to our SCHOOLS DIRECTORY
NEW students enrolling in the District should complete a packet and gather all necessary documents including updated physical and immunization records. To complete registration, the following documents are needed:
1. Child Identification: Original State Certified Birth Certificate
2. Parent Identification: Valid Driver's License, Valid State ID or Valid Voter's Registration Card
3. Two Proofs of Residency: Current utility bill for gas, water or electricity; signed deed, occupancy permit with your name on it
4. Current Health Records: State of Illinois Physical Examination Form including all immunization information; dental exam; eye exam (by eye doctor).
A guardian will need to schedule an in-person appointment* to complete the NEW student enrollment or come between 10am-1pm July 16-20. Please call 618-646-3130 or email rhonda.jones@estl189.com to schedule appointments before coming to:
401 Katherine Dunham Place
East St Louis, IL 62201
KINDERGARTEN registration only: Students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025.
PRESCHOOL enrollment and registration is by appointment only at the Vivian Adams Early Childhood Center (501 Katherine Dunham Place). Parents must make an appointment by calling 618-646-3290. Or you can complete the online version, here:
New Preschool Student Registration Forms:
English Language version
Spanish Language version
Returning Preschool Student Registration Forms:
Immunization Records
East St. Louis School District 189 follows the mandates of the Illinois Department of Public Health with regards to required immunizations for our students.
Students entering preschool, kindergarten, sixth, and ninth grades, and new students to the district must present proof of the required state of Illinois physical examination and immunizations.
The Centers for Disease Control and the Illinois Department of Public Health encourage all individuals ages 12+ to become vaccinated against COVID-19. Please read this letter from the Illinois State Board of Education that provides clarity about the COVID-19 vaccine for parents. ISBE Letter to Parents