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Volunteers Can and Do Make a Difference

The East St. Louis School District 189 welcomes volunteers to serve and make a positive impact on our children and youth. We enjoy having visitors and volunteers in our schools and invite parents/guardians to be actively involved in our classrooms.

Groups and individuals are welcome to serve. Volunteer opportunities may include:

  • Classroom reading visits at the elementary level;

  • Supporting high school students with college or scholarship applications;

  • Guest speaking about your career and decisions you made along your career pathway;

  • Assisting with special events, including Family STEM Night, Spring Family Forum, MLK Day of Service, or community clean-up projects.

We care about the safety of our children and staff, so all volunteers must apply and be approved before they can begin volunteer service. Please reach out to the Human Resources Department to inquire about volunteering at 618-646-3000.