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The East St. Louis School District 189 Purchasing Department seeks to conserve public funds and ensure fair and equitable treatment of all vendors. The department staff is committed to a purchasing system that provides quality, integrity and increased competition. In addition, staff is committed to a purchasing program that is conducted in a professional manner, provides taxpayers the maximum value for each dollar spent and satisfies the needs of the district, its faculty, staff and students. 

OVERVIEW: The Purchasing Department is responsible for the procurement of all goods and services in conformance with the Illinois School Code and Board of Education Policies and Regulations. The Purchasing Department should be the first point of contact for vendors wishing to present or demonstrate products.

AUTHORITY: The East St. Louis School Board delegates authority to the Purchasing Department to issue purchase orders for the procurement of goods and services.

VENDOR ASSISTANCE: East St. Louis School District 189 encourages vendors to supply line cards, catalogs, and price lists of the goods or services they provide.

BIDDERS LIST: The Purchasing Department maintains a listing of all registered prospective bidders. To be placed on the appropriate bid list, vendors must complete the Contractor Disclosure Form that will provide the District with information about the prospective vendor. All qualified bidders will be afforded equal opportunity to quote/bid and will compete on equal terms.

PURCHASING PROCESS: Purchases of $10,000 or more require a formal solicitation through newspaper advertisement and solicitation documents are issued by the Purchasing Department. Purchases $5,000 or more require a formal quote and are issued by the Purchasing. East St. Louis School District utilizes any of the following solicitation methods that provide the best value to the district: competitive sealed bidding/proposals, State approved contracts, and contracts that involve using a construction manager.

RECEIPT OF MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: All materials and supplies are to be delivered to the District location as indicated on the Purchase Order. All Fixed Assets and other items requiring District inventory tags are received and processed at the District’s Central Receiving facility located at 1005 State Street, East St. Louis, IL 62201.

VENDOR PAYMENT: East St. Louis School District 189’s standard payment terms are Net/60 days. Vendors providing goods and services to the District receive payment upon completion of delivery and acceptance. Payment for Construction or Professional Services are made in accordance with the terms as indicated in the contract documents.

Contact Us:

Yulrie Tanner, Purchasing Supervisor
Phone:  618-646-3082