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The City of Champions! 


The City of Champions


Why Choose ESTL 189? 

  • Your internship or practicum experience can be personalized to meet your individual needs and interest
  • Internship, practicum, and student teaching experience in your area of choice
  • Earn while you learn-stipends to attend after-school professional development
  • 21st Century After-School teaching opportunities available
  • After-School Tutoring opportunities
  • Summer School Teaching Opportunities
  • A supportive, collaborative environment


East St. Louis School District 189 offers a number of quality benefits for staff including: 

Employee Forms

FMLA-Leave of Absence Request Form




Tuition Reimbursement Form

Competitive Salary

A certified salary schedule has been established by the 2018-2021 Bargaining Agreement between East St. Louis School District 189 Board of Education and the East St. Louis Federation of Teachers, Local 1220 for these positions that require certification and licensure.  

Certified and Non-Certified Contract and Salary Schedule

Local 382

Incoming Teachers

  • Full-time experience in Illinois: Incoming teachers with full-time previous public school experience in the State of Illinois shall be given full salary schedule credit for experience taught in Illinois public schools.
  • Out of State previous experience: Incoming teachers shall be given salary credit for previous public school experience outside the State of Illinois to the extent that full salary credit shall be given for experience each year taught in out-of-state public schools.

Tuition Reimbursement

East St. Louis School District 189 provides tuition reimbursement for certified staff taking approved courses during any semester, subject to the annual financial limitations set forth in the Local 1220 Bargaining Agreement.  Prior approval of courses must be obtained from the Superintendent's Office before enrolling.  Any bargaining unit member receiving tuition reimbursement must remain with the District for three years after reimbursement.  

Professional Development

East St. Louis School District 189 is dedicated to providing intentional, highly impactful professional development that will build capacity in our certified staff.  Professional development days provide timely and strategic opportunities to grow in your ability to support the students you serve each day with the district curriculum and goals.  Educators will find an array of professional development opportunities and support in our district.  Listed below are the various professional development opportunities: 

  • District-Level Professional Development
  • Building-Level Professional Development
  • PD University
  • Online Modules
  • Webinars
  • Conferences
  • Other pathways for teachers to continue professional growth

District-Level professional development days provide support and growth in district curriculum and goals.  Building-level professional development days provide timely and strategic opportunities to grow in your ability to support the students you serve each day. 

Opportunities to Collaborate

All educators in East St. Louis School District 189 participate in Professional Learning Communities where data-driven student-focused collaboration thrives.  Not only will new teachers find support in these groups, but their input will be highly valued.  

Mentoring Program

Our first and second-year teachers are provided with a mentor and a very supportive mentoring program.  First-year teachers meet with mentors regularly to discuss strategies, best practices, solicit feedback, and collaborate.  Monthly meetings are held to provide professional development for new teachers. 


Contact Us:

Dr. Valencia Hawkins,
Chief Human Resource Officer
Title IX Coordinator

Phone:  618-646-3048

Merci Phillips,
Administrative Assistant

Phone:  618-646-3046

LaToya Greenwood,
Executive Director of Human Resources

Phone:  618-646-3058

Melanie Hood,
Director of Educator Recruitment and Retention

Phone:  618-646-3048

Crystal Hill,
Human Resources Manager

Phone:  618-646-3054

Sharla Randolph,
Benefits Specialist

Phone:  618-646-3067 

Belinda Hamilton,
Human Resources Generalist

Phone:  618-646-3000   ext. 2976

Sheneitha Taylor,
Human Resources Receptionist


Phone: 618-646-3000