Department Page
Welcome to the Office of Grants and Federal Programs Department!
The Office of Grants and Federal Programs promotes sound fiscal stewardship and accountability, provides compliance monitoring support and resources for the effective and efficient implementation of federal, state, and competitive grants in alignment with East Saint Louis School District 189 policy, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance and stated grant objectives.
The mission of the Office of Grants and Federal programs is to collaborate with and build the capacity of grant managers and administrators in the effective and efficient implementation of grants in accordance with the OMB Uniform Guidance and grant specifications, in order to improve student achievement and foster equity.
To accomplish our mission, we are committed to:
- Monitoring the fiscal and programmatic implementation of the grants
- Reviewing expenditure and periodic reporting for grants
- Adhering to district purchasing procedures and protocols
- Maintaining expenditure ledgers
- Exercising general supervision of allowable use of funds
- Providing technical assistance and communicating with grant managers and administrators on an ongoing basis
- Facilitating professional learning opportunities focused on compliance and grant management guidance
Kiaundra Eggleston
Director of Finance and Federal and State Programs
East Saint Louis School District 189
Understanding the Every Student Succeeds Act
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015. Under ESSA, the purpose of Title 1 is to provide all children with significant opportunities to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education and to close educational gaps.
Every Student Success Act (ESSA) Right To Know Letter
A Parents' Guide to the Nation's Landmark Education Law
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
Contact Us:
Kiaundra Eggleston, Director of Finance and Federal and State Programs
Phone: 618-646-3338
Norman Robinson, Grants Compliance Specialist
Phone: 618-646-3010
Kimberly Mitchell, Title I Administrative Assistant
Phone: 618-646-3071